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Protecting Your Tent Structure from Severe Weather: Wind and Snow Precautions

When facing severe weather conditions such as strong winds and heavy snowfall, it is crucial to take proactive measures to protect the structure of your tent. By following a series of essential steps, you can ensure the safety and stability of your tent, providing a secure area for your project.

Keven Denney
April 15, 2024

When facing severe weather conditions such as strong winds and heavy snowfall, it is crucial to take proactive measures to protect the structure of your tent. By following a series of essential steps, you can ensure the safety and stability of your tent, providing a secure area for your project.

Preparing for Heavy Snowfall

Preheating the tent

To prevent snow accumulation on the roof, turn on the heaters at least three hours before the snowfall is expected, even during non-operational hours. Maintain an internal temperature of at least 50°F throughout the duration of the weather event. Ensure you follow safety guidelines and manufacturer’s instructions when using heaters.

Snow Removal

If the heat does not melt the snow effectively, it is important to manually remove it from the roof. Use a rake designed for snow removal and gently clear the snow from the roof surface and avoid damaging the tent material.

Protecting Against Strong Winds

Opening Sidewalls and Securing Them

When facing winds exceeding 50 mph, open your tent's sidewalls to allow wind to pass through. Secure the sidewalls to the uprights using appropriate fasteners or ties. This reduces the risk of structural damage caused by excessive wind pressure.

Safeguarding Valuables

If the heat does not melt the snow effectively, it is essential to remove it from the roof manually. Use a rake designed for snow removal, gently clear the snow from the roof surface, and avoid damaging the tent material.

Seeking Professional Assistance

If wind speeds exceed 60 MPH, or if you have additional concerns about your tent structure, we advise that you immediately contact L2 Structures. They can provide expert guidance, support, and necessary reinforcements to ensure the structure remains safe and durable during extreme weather conditions.

Severe weather can happen quickly. Protecting your tent structure from severe weather conditions requires careful preparation and proactive measures. By following the essential steps highlighted above you can enhance the safety and stability of your tent. Always prioritize safety and consider seeking professional assistance when dealing with extreme weather conditions. With these precautions in place you will have peace of mind knowing that your tent structure is well-prepared to withstand severe weather challenges and will be prepared for possible future occurrences.

About the author

Keven Denney

Keven has 18 years of temporary tent structure experience, from building tents and project management to directing sales and operations. While generating new avenues for business, Keven focuses on customer service and treats each new client as his first.

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