America's leading provider of temporary structures

5 Reasons to Choose a Heated Tent Rental

Few of us live in a temperate climate all year long. The average winter temperature for the continental United States is just above freezing! A heated temporary tent structure could be just the solution to combat those temperatures, high winds, and heavy rains.

Lukas Fiechtl
April 15, 2024

Few of us live in a temperate climate all year long. The average winter temperature for the continental United States is just above freezing! A heated temporary tent structure could be just the solution to combat those temperatures, high winds, and heavy rains.

Protects Against Most Weather Conditions

A reliable temporary tent structure should protect against common weather conditions, especially in a cold or rainy climate.  Temporary tent structures are covered in 22-26oz, heavy-duty, coated vinyl, keeping your inventory and employees dry in the heaviest rains. Industrial tents have further protection against snow loads with a specially coated tarpaulin material that withstands strong winds and 23 psi snow loads. Thermo-insulated walls keep the interior space at room temperature, ensuring that it’s warm and comfortable inside without the added cost of running electric heaters.

Take Care of Your Team

Your workers are your most precious asset. Protect them from the elements and ensure they have the best working conditions by renting a heated tent. Projects get done more effectively when workers are not drained by extreme weather conditions or concerned about their health. Climate-controlled tents can help you meet objectives on time and stay within budget. You’ll be able to provide the best space at the right temperature so your staff can be safeguarded and work more efficiently.

Protect Your Equipment

Consider your equipment storage needs as well. However, not all equipment can take low temperatures as you move into the winter. Industrial tents are a great short- or long-term option for storing equipment. If you don’t have a heated tent, you could see damage to resources or supplies. Raw materials can become degraded when frozen; some heavy equipment or vehicles may take extra time to warm up after a night left out in severe conditions, or not work at all, suffering breakdowns that lead to losses over time. A heated tent will resolve these concerns, as you can keep your structure at just the right temperature to avoid any issues.

Continue Production in Winter Months

Because you can protect your team, equipment, and materials from the extreme weather, a good, heated tent rental can give you a competitive advantage. Rather than having to stop production, work can continue even when the weather starts to change. A tent can be rented in whatever size you need, easily set up, and crews can continue working safely and comfortably to complete projects on time.

Set Up on Short Notice

Another benefit is how quickly a tent can be assembled. Imagine you are working outdoors, and there is a sudden severe weather warning. You may need to start creating a protected space in reaction to this unexpected event. Sometimes, a heated tent can be put up ahead of the bad weather in a matter of hours. Of course, how fast your climate-controlled structure will be built depends on several factors, including how far away the rental team is from you.  

Heated Tents can do everything a non-heated tent can do – just warmer! Using a heated temporary tent structure allows you to continue working year-round. The ability to control the interior climate means a protected crew and equipment and no downtime or dips in productivity due to severe weather changes. Whether you need extra production space, storage space for stock, or an extra break room, you can maximize your production throughout the year with a heated tent. Once you start using heated tents like this, you’ll wonder how you ever worked without one.

About the author

Lukas Fiechtl

As Director of Revenue, Lukas looks to Expand L2 into markets where we can make the most difference and fill customers’ needs. He readily solves supply chain and materials management issues, giving customers a seamless and successful experience with us.

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